She Builds Day June 2021 AWSome Program for Women and Girls

AWS She Builds Day June 10, 2021

Ms Kim Bonilla founded the “AWS She Builds” program back in 2018 as Senior developer marketing manager at AWS. She is passionate about diversity and inclusion in the technology industry. AWS She Builds supports and inspires female IT colleagues to build their careers in technology and grow their skills in the AWS Cloud.

Amazon Web Services leads and launched the “She Builds” program to invite global inclusiveness developing women and girls careers in the technology field.

Last October 22, 2020, brings together a diverse and inclusive group of female developers and allies tech community from Australia and New Zealand, and the event takes place via online Twitch.

What is the AWS She Builds Day program for women pursuing a career in cloud technology?

AWS She Builds program aims to inspire and empower women to transform the tech industry. And invites everyone to be part of an inclusive program that celebrates and empowers women in the technology industry. The community offers feature topics in peer to peer networking, careers in Tech, Inspiration, Career Development, Leadership, Education, Security, Data Analytics, AI & Machine Learning and Training Certification

How can you join AWS She Builds program, the criteria and eligibility?

If you are identified as a woman in technology two programs stand out that AWSome and dynamic.

  1. AWS She Builds Mentor Program-(click to know more)
    This program connects the mentee, and the mentors are from AWS diverse group of women that encourage and support their mentee through professional and personal development within the AWS Cloud technology field and with eligibility criteria.
    *You identify as a female and are 18+ years of age
    *You are currently studying, working or pursuing a career in the technology
    *You are available to meet with your Mentor at least fort nightly over the 12-week program
    *You are available to attend the kick-off, mid-program and end of program events.

2. AWS She Builds CloudU-(click to know more)
A flexible community-based learning program, providing professional AWS training delivered on your women terms. Open to student or professional
looking for cross-skill or up-skill and gain a global recognition on achieving AWS Cloud Practioner Certification. As this writing, the program closed. However, click the link ADD TO WAITLIST applicants.

Besides learning AWS Cloud infrastructure and connecting women with like-minded women in the tech industry, there is no need to be an expert or software developer.

image: andrew-neel-ute2XAFQU2I-unsplash

Several programs will launch this year, so we encourage Filipina Women Cloud Community to watch out for updates and act fast as they have an end date of application submission and limited spots.




Philippines Women Cloud Community

The first Woman Cloud Community in Philippines where access to learning in cloud, collaboration and sustainability come together.